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The mission of the NHHCA is to:

  1. Help quality caregivers better serve those who need care.
  2. Help individuals make informed decisions in care options for loved ones.

 Vision Statement:

The New Hampshire Health Care Association is a membership organization representing health care providers who believe that all individuals served are entitled to a supportive environment in which professional and compassionate care is delivered. This belief compels the Association and its member providers to advocate for individuals who because of social needs, disability, trauma, or illness require services in the health care continuum, while also advocating for the health care provider.

We will accomplish our vision by assuming a leadership role in providing education to caregivers; providing a supportive environment fostering creative study and innovation; communicating standards of practice that reflect quality care; promoting self esteem and dignity; promoting necessary and reasonable public policies; influencing society and government to invest in the well being of those entrusted into our care; and promoting the highest levels of professional and ethical behavior, thus earning the trust and support of the public.